
Cold mailing and LinkedIn campaign with guarantee, for the “Heseya” online store building system from Escola S.A.

Escola S. A.

Escola is a software house that develops web and mobile applications for Android and iOS. Escola has been providing dedicated solutions for business for many years, thus supporting them technologically. Among the services offered by the company are: IT consulting, analytical workshops, UX/UI design, as well as software and UX audits. Heseya is one of Escola’s products. It is a headless e-commerce engine that allows you to launch an advanced online store. The platform allows easy integration of the online store with payment systems, has built-in positioning tools, access to information on customer behavior and many other solutions that ultimately translate into conversions.

LMU Campaign Objective

Launch cold-mailing and LinkedIn campaigns to attract potential customers in the Polish market for Hesey’s product.

When launching the LMU campaign, several small companies were using Hesey’s product. The management’s goal was to work with medium-sized customers and large brands. One of the main goals of the LMU campaign was to verify that the product, whose competitors in the market include brands such as Shopify and Shoplo, would generate interest and be attractive to large organizations. 

LMU campaign with a guarantee

Initially – for this campaign – there was no detailed segmentation of potential customers. The LMU campaign targeted brands that operate online stores and those that could potentially enter the e-commerce industry. These companies, were of various sizes. Brands with 5 to as many as 200 associates (according to data available on Linkedin) were selected. As LeadMeUp, we undertook such an exercise because we wanted to see if, out of such a diverse group, a specific profile of a potential customer would emerge.

Escola initially assumed that Hesey’s product should mainly target big brands. During the campaign, several target groups were tested taking into account the characteristics of the product’s existing customers.

Given that Heseya is not yet a recognizable product on the e-commerce market, it was assumed that it would be optimal to campaign a product sold within the portfolio of ESCOLA S.A., which is a reputable and recognizable brand on the Polish IT market.

The effect of

We managed to exceed the number of leads assumed in the quarter, by more than 70%.

Analyzing the course and responses to the LMU campaign, it turned out that, for the most part, medium and large brands were mainly interested in the product. The campaign led to more than 24 business meetings!

It also turned out that a lot of leads were considering building an e-comerce system, which they didn’t have until now, and we hit them at the stage of selecting subcontractors. What was surprising was the presence in this group, primarily of big brands.

We also showed that a significant number of brands, although they do not currently have online stores, are interested in entering the e-commerce industry.

The campaign was successful, and the cooperation between us and the client was extended indefinitely.

SEE ALSO: other Case Studies

Cold mailing and LinkedIn campaign with guarantee, for the “Heseya” online store building system from Escola S.A.
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